Saturday, July 17, 2010

Special Love Poems

Writing a book is a great miracle. However, writing something that is more than just a book is always a personal satisfaction. I've been a great lover of romantic poetry and I've always been influenced by it. This combination of reading and writing love poems has enabled me to share special love poems, that can win hearts. Romance or love poems can be a lovely gift to your " special someone."

However, traditional love poems may become monotonous. You need to have something that is unique and still serves the purpose. Creativity is always appreciated.

Following poem is a "Special love poem."

In sweet company of romantic dew; together forever forever they flew

Singing and diving in love's hue; together forever forever they flew

They were lovers, two birds on a tree in a green forest

He loved her and so did she and the life was full of jest

They flew in skies of love happily and enjoyed true peace

Every day was Valentine and made love every night in nest

They sang songs of love and smiled all the time, their souls were virtuous and sublime

Then, it was changed by an intruder, and their peace was at stake

Goldie was his name, gold wrapped scaled reptile, a fearsome snake

Goldie lived on heath just beneath couple's tree; a treasure for natives

Natives used to hunt Goldies because of gold skin and gift to tribe's rake

Snakes were killers when they strangled prey, no poison though and aggressive all the way

One horrible day, the couple in their nest heard cries for help louder and nearer

Frightened they were when they helplessly witnessed a cold blooded cruel murder

He wanted to go, but she didn't let the lover go and they were sole spectators of crime

Goldie had in this big scary mouth, a prey and sadly it was their lovely and sweet neighbor

A bird of many qualities the dead one was and good, a true supporter and symbol of bird's brotherhood

The couple was sad and very careful now with their nights not lovely and days peaceful anymore

Though the intruder, Goldie knew that he could kill only by surprise attack and never from front door

The couple's head was a powerful bird and somewhat equal match for Goldie in strength and aggression

Goldie knew that the couple is invincible united; the head will die first than watching her dying before

Cruelty was his power and wickedness tactics, Goldie patiently waited for a real chance of killing


It was indeed bad luck for the couple one day; she was alone in nest as her lover was on hunting far away

She felt thirsty and flew towards a nearby pool, on her way she saw a wonderful wild flower tray

"How romantic and lovely these are?" she thought of picking one for her sweet lover and dear protector

After cautious inspection for danger, she came on ground near the wild flowers with such sweet array

At a hiding place nearby Goldie was slowly moving, to him it was a great chance of bloodshed rhyming

The flowers' invitation was fatal and appeared a trap; she was a victim and scary death her possible fate

Sweetness and tenderness were in air and then in a quick instant she smelled ugly smell of not a mate

Fear was written all over her trembling body, she thought of how to live without her love and partner

With lightning speed she flattered her wings to escape, but Goldie had attacked first and she was late

Goldie wanted to grasp her and eat on sight, but the flowers smell made his precisions wrong and injured bird flew away with bad plight

She tried as she could to fly, but the attack was fatal enough and managed to reach just by the pool

Goldie cursed the flowers smell as smell was his weapon and not eyes, but he was clever and not a fool

A trail of blood made him understand that she can't fly long distance, Goldie chased her in anticipation

With hunted fish in beak and flying he felt something and lost control of prey, though he was an old school

Missing her badly he headed homewards, and Goldie was almost at the pool to finish the job onwards

"Ah! My love where are you?" her heart cried on seeing the deadly enemy so close and dangerously near

Goldie spotted the wounded helpless bird and made posture for a decisive delivediamondrings-20" title="ring">ring of death of fear

"O eyes stop seeing" he shouted on seeing his lover in danger, the tragic situation from kilometers away

Goldie attacked vigorously and violently, but was caught in mid air by a native man with lifetime's sneer

The native man danced with joy for the treasure, she was in shock and soon reached her reason to live there

What a cheerful welcoming was it! Beak to beak, wings to wings a long and very romantic kiss

Tears of happiness rolled down from couple's eye, they felt peace and love and felt eternal bliss

A year later, she gave birth to a baby as sweet and handsome as the father, a sign of everlasting love

Warmth of companionship made their days; nights were woven with deep passion of cupid's synthesis

Good parents they were and always remained, sheer love and peace were in the air and terror chained

And never and never trouble grew; together forever forever they flew

The baby, mother and father's crew; together forever forever they flew

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